Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Do Fuze Slenderize Work

8 questions DAY

I saw yesterday that Patata tagged me and I answered the same questions! ;)
such questions Mag TAGS total;)

your 8 questions:

first What will be your opinion never goes out of fashion?
in Make-Up: Nude-look at fashion: Skinny jeans

second If not you'd have to eighth on the money, where would it go your next trip?
New York City

third Which blog you can in good conscience recommend to others (except your own of course;))?
indoor and outdoor

4th Who would you like to know (whether dead or alive)?
Barack Obama & Beyonce

5th What is your favorite lipstick or lip gloss?
there are several:) I like the lip glosses MNY of total

6th What was your very first beauty product? And when did you start to wear make up?
I think a blue lipstick: D and I started making up with about 12

7th What was your worst "Beauty sin"?
too dark make-up

8th What's your favorite piece of jewelry? want)

I tag all who participate; there are several! ;)


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