large compared Foundation at present an
Foundation comparison! On these matters I find it very important to say that I have oily skin. In a make-up put it seems to me important that it is dull and durable. I have chosen make-ups that you can buy cheap, the average pricing level and Expensive.
Cheap price level: p2 mousse make-up (01 nude), 3.95 € I have a long time that Maybelline Dream Matte use mousse and was also quite zurfrieden, but I found the Price high and so I wanted to test favorable Mousse make-ups. I have to say the Maybelline Mousse Make-Up is better and who Mousse make-up like it's worth testing. The first thing that struck me at the p2 Mousse is the smell. The smell is furchtbar.Es has no strong covering power and durability is mediocre.
Alverde Cream Make-Up (01 Naturelle), 3.45 € a correct purchase. This make-up is really the worst make-up, that I have ever bought. There is absolutely no paint off and it does not at all. Actually, I've assumed that there was a slight opacity. At the shelf I can not say anything because I wanted to test it, but I have washed off after 2 minutes.
Average price level: Nivea Ideal Finish (02 Nude), 10.45 € This is the only makeup that I've bought later very often. I used it for a long time and I appreciate that I determined I had bought later about 10 times. I have used this makeup when I was in Puberty was. During puberty my skin was very bad and I had acne. The opacity of the make-up is very good, but the price is really high. In this comparison, I would consider to be one of the best. Maybe you get it still reduced.
Maybelline Dream Liquid Satin (020 cameo), € 7.99 to have this make-up I wrote a detailed review. Those interested can enter it in the search function. I like it, but unfortunately I can wear it in spring / summer, because I think it's too dark in the fall / winter.
Maybelline Pure Mineral Make-Up (030 sand), 12.95 € I like both Maybelline make-up packaging. Glass bottles will always equal quality, and a pump dispenser is perfect. The make-up I can only use in summer. It has a lower opacity than the Dream Satin Liquid and durability in my opinion is worse. I think the price is not appropriate.
higher price level: Lancome Photogenic (202 beige rose), 28 € Unfortunately, a very expensive bad buy, because the makeup is way too pink appearance for me. I was in before the Lancome Photogenic schonmal a make-up and was very satisfied. The name reminds me, unfortunately, are not produced. For oily skin is not suitable.
Conclusion: What I like best the
Nivea Make-Up and at worst is the make-up